Book Oompah Bands for your wedding, party or corporate event in Denbighshire - we are here to help!
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★★★★★ Highest Rated Acts ★★★★★
The Cardiff Oompah Band
(3)Bavarian Oompah Band - Available in Denbighshire
The Cardiff Oompah Band are a musically gifted and enthusiastic group of musicians who recreate the thigh-slapping magic and energy of the Munich Hoffbrauhaus!Price from £748(Based in South Glamorgan)View this Act » Add to shortlist
The North Wales Oompah Band
(2)Oompah Band - Available in Denbighshire
Looking for a lively Oompah band for an Oktoberfest party? The North Wales Oompah Band play over 200 shows a year will travel anywhere to give you a great nightPrice from £1695(Based in Denbighshire)View this Act » Add to shortlist